The clocks are changing again..
Written by iCandy Guest Blogger and Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant, Charlotte Hillyard
Spring has well and truly sprung and it’s coming up to that weekend in March when we lose an hour’s sleep, as the clocks ‘spring’ forward. This means brighter evenings and that summer is within touching distance. Yay!
However, as the seasons shift and the clocks change, it can mean for some little ones that they experience disturbances with their sleep.
So how can you help them manage this transition?
Well, it’s good to know that babies and toddlers don’t have any concept of the clock change and are governed only by their own body clock. This means that you can take one of two approaches, adjust their schedule leading up to the change, or you can go with the flow and in turn, your little one’s body clock will adjust in a few days or so.
Adjusting their schedule ahead of the change.
For older babies and toddlers, the first option is to get ahead 5-7 days or so before the clocks are due to change and begin to adjust your little one’s schedule. If your baby or toddler is fairly ‘clockwork’, and by that, I mean has regular sleep times, then I would suggest putting them to bed 15mins or so later for a few nights and then adjusting again after another few nights. So, by the time the clocks change, they are already going to bed an hour later. Don’t forget to adjust the naps too!
This option can be stressful for some, especially if you have older children and/or a busy schedule. So please don’t worry if you can’t achieve this. It won’t necessarily guarantee that your little one will adjust any quicker than one whose schedule hasn’t been changed.
Wing it!
The second option is to do nothing and wing it! Yep, WING IT! For those little ones who have different nap and bedtimes, you probably won’t see too much change. They will fall into the new pattern in a few days or so.
In the end, whether you choose to adjust their sleeping schedule or wing it, remember that each child is unique, and they will eventually settle into the new routine with your love and support.